modelling our data starting from the theoretical models and reusing existing ontologies


Our conceptual model is the result of the merger of our two theoretical model, since we joined the in-depth study of the items with the analysis of the entities and their role as bridges between the event and the objects; keeping an event-based perspective. The outcome was the emerging of relevant connection that were hidden in the previous stages or not well-defined, as for the frbr:ResponsibleEntity (Associazione tra i familiari delle vittime) or for the relation between the event and the video, that was translated from a general “is described by” relation to a more specific “is depicted by”.
For what concerns the choice of the vocabularies and ontologies, we decided to pair well-known and authoritative standards in the library, archive and museum domain dedicated to cultural heritage (as CIDOC-CRM, Dublin Core, FRBR and EAC-CPF) with general-purpose ones (for instance Schema and DBPedia) in order to be as semantically specific as possible in our representation.

Conceptual Model