The goal of the metadata alignment is to show the relationships between the items metadata and the respective standards. Align means also compare. Compare the ways in which the stadards are able to describe a same entity through different perspectives, the ones attributed to the standards themselves. The metadata alignment has been divided into two parts: the entity alignement and the item alignement. The first one is a table where four entities (People, Date, Place and Subject) have been taken into account in order to be described by all the standards. The choice of the properties was based on the characteristics of the standards and on the items ones. Only a few properties could be described by all the standards and were representative of the metadata of our items. These properties are the ones shown in the first four tables.
In a second moment the items have been described through the ontologies or standards which could best describe them. In this case only three or four standards have been selected. Those ones are available in the last tables, named by type (audio, biography etc.).



Property Pico A.P. Mets San EAD ISBD MMD EBUcore FRBR VRAcore Reicat PRISM
Who is the creator of the item? pico:author mets:agent creator, author 1.4 Statement of responsibility name,sort-name ebucore:hasCreator has statement of responsibility agentSet, agent 14.2.2 Responsabilità d’autore dc:creator
Who is the responsible of the distribution of the item? dc:publisher - publisher 4.2 Name of publisher, producer and/or distributor label-info dc:publisher has publisher or distributor sourceSet 4.4.2. Nome dell’editore, distributore, libraio, etc., 19. Responsabilità per la pubblicazione e la produzione materiale prism:distributor, dc:publisher
Who is the owner of the property rights? dcterms:rightsHolder metsrights:RightsHolderName rightsdeclaration - label-info ebucore:rights - rightsSet, rightsHolder - prism:corporateEntity, dc:rights


Property Pico A.P. Mets San EAD ISBD MMD EBUcore FRBR VRAcore Reicat PRISM
When was the item created? dc:identifier ead:unitdate unitdate 4.3 Date of publication, production and/or distribution - ebucore:date has date of publication, production and/or distribution dateSet,date type="creation" - prism:creationDate
When was the item published? dc:date ead:date date 4.6 Date of printing or manufacture, 4.3 Date of publication, production and/or distribution release-event, date Publication date has date of publication, production and/or distribution dateSet, date type=”publication” 4.4.1 luogo di pubblicazione o distribuzione prism:copyrightYear, prism:coverDate, prism:coverDisplayDate, prism:publicationDate


Property Pico A.P. Mets San EAD ISBD MMD EBUcore FRBR VRAcore Reicat PRISM
Where was the item published? dcterms:isPartOf ead:geogname geogname 4.1 Place of publication, production and/or distribution name, country ebucore:location has place of publication or distribution locationSet, location type="publication" 4.4.1 luogo di pubblicazione o distribuzione -


Property Pico A.P. Mets San EAD ISBD MMD EBUcore FRBR VRAcore Reicat PRISM
Title dc:title mods:title title 1.1 Title proper title ebucore:title has title of the manifestation title, title type 4.1.1. Titolo dc:title
Description/Content dc:description ead:abstract abstract 7.7 Note on contents, 7.10.2 Note providing a summary - ebucore:description has summarization of content descriptionSet 4.7.12. Note di riassunto prism:contentType, dc:description, prism:teaser, prism:keyword
Format pico:materialAndTechnique ead:genreform type = “supporto” unittype 5.1.2 Specific material designation (physical object),5.2.2 Composition of material packaging, format ebucore:type has form of carrier, has physical medium material type=”support” 7.4.1 caratteristiche del supporto, 1.3 Tipi di materiali dc:format
Type dc:type ead:phystech genreform 0.1 Content form, 0.2 Media type - ebucore:Type has form of carrier - 1.5 Tipi di pubblicazione dc:type
Language dc:language ead:langmaterial langmaterial 7.1.2 Note on nature, scope, form, purpose or language language ebucore:language has language of expression inscription, text xml:lang="", inscription Note sulla lingua della pubblicazione o di sue componenti dc:language
Identifier dc:identifier ead:unitid, mets:altRecordID TYPE="SAN" unitid 8.1 Resource identifier barcode ebucore:identifier has manifestation, identifier sourceSet altri codici indentificativi, 4.8. Area dei numeri identificativi prism:doi, prism:isbn, prism:issn, prism:nationalCatalogNumber, dc:identifier
Size/Duration dc-terms:extent ead:extent physdesc 5.1 Extent length - has extent of the carrier measurementsSet 4.5.3. Dimensioni prism:byteCount



Title METS-SAN <ead:prefercite>
ISBD 1.1 Title proper
FRBR has title of the manifestation
Format/Material METS-SAN <ead:physdesc>, <ead:genreform type="supporto">, <type="tipologie documentarie">
ISBD 5.1.2 Specific material designation, 5.2.2 Composition of material
FRBR has physical medium, has form of carrier
Description METS-SAN <ead:description>
ISBD 7.10.2 Notes providing a summary
FRBR has summarization of content
Place METS-SAN <ead:geogname>
ISBD 4.1 Place of publication, production and/or distribution
FRBR has place of publication or distribution
Content METS-SAN <ead:subject>
ISBD 7.10.2 Notes providing a summary
FRBR has summarization of content
Physical Description METS-SAN <ead:extent>
ISBD 5.1.5 Playing time
FRBR has extent of the expression
Language METS-SAN <ead:language>, <ead:langmaterial>, <ead:language langcode="">
ISBD 7.1.2 Note on nature, scope, form, purpose, language
FRBR has language of expression
Date METS-SAN <ead:unitdate>
ISBD 4.3 Date of publication, production and/or distribution
FRBR has date of publication, production and/or distribution
Type METS-SAN <ead:phystech>
ISBD 0.1 Content form, 0.2 Media type
FRBR has form of carrier


Author ISBD 1.4 Statement of responsibility
PRISM <dc:creator>
REICAT 14.2.2 Responsabilità d'autore e responsabilità di carattere diverso
Title ISBD 1.1 Title Proper
PRISM <dc:title>
REICAT 4.1.1 Titolo
Type ISBD 0.2 Media type
PRISM <dc:type>, <prism:contentType>
REICAT 1.5 Tipi di pubblicazione
Publisher ISBD 4.2 Name of publisher, producer and/or distributor
PRISM <dc:publisher>
REICAT 4.4.2. Nome dell’editore, distributore, libraio, etc., 19. Responsabilità per la pubblicazione e la produzione materiale
Publication Place ISBD 4.1 Place of publication, production and/or distribution
REICAT 4.4.1. Luogo di pubblicazione o distribuzione
Publication Date ISBD 4.3 Date of publication, production and/or distribution
PRISM <prism:publicationDate>
REICAT 4.4.4. Data di pubblicazione
Pages ISBD 5.1.4 Pagination
PRISM <prism:pageCount>
REICAT Numero delle pagine o carte, immagini, etc.
Size ISBD 5.3 Dimensions (Bibliographic format and dimensions)
PRISM <dc:format>
REICAT 4.5.3. Dimensioni, 7.4.3. Dimensioni
ISBN ISBD 8.1 Resource identifier
PRISM <prism:isbn>
REICAT 4.8. Area dei numeri identificativi, 4.8.1. Numeri standard
Collection and number ISBD 6.1 Title proper of a series or multipart monographic resource, 6.6 Numbering within a series or multipart monographic resource
REICAT 4.6.1. Titolo della collezione, 4.6.5. Numerazione all’interno della collezione
Content ISBD 7.10.2 Notes providing a summary, 7.7 Notes on the contents
PRISM <prism:keyword>, <prism:location>, <prism:object>, <prism:person>, <prism:timePeriod>, <dc:subject>
REICAT 4.7.12. Note di riassunto


Author ISBD 1.4 Statement of responsibility
PRISM <dc:creator>
EAD <author>
REICAT 14.2.2 Responsabilità d’autore
Publisher ISBD 4.2 name of publisher, producer and/or distributor
PRISM <dc:publisher>
EAD <publisher>
REICAT 4.4.2. Nome dell’editore, distributore, libraio, etc.
Date of publication ISBD 4.3 date of publication, production and/or distribution
PRISM <prism:publicationdate>
EAD <publicationstmt> <date> </date> </publicationstmt>
REICAT 4.4.4 data di pubblicazione o distribuzione
Place of publication ISBD 4.1 place of publication, production and/or distribution
EAD <geogname>
REICAT 4.4.1 luogo di pubblicazione o distribuzione
Title ISBD 1.1 title proper
PRISM <dc:title>
EAD <title>
REICAT 4.1.1 Titolo
Content (abstract) ISBD 7.7 note on contents, 7.10.2 notes providing a summary
PRISM <prism:teaser>
EAD <abstract>
REICAT 4.7.12 note di riassunto
Language ISBD 7.1.2 Note on nature, scope, form, purpose, language
PRISM <dc:language>
EAD <langmaterial>
REICAT Note sulla lingua della pubblicazione o di sue componenti
ISBN ISBD 8.1 identifier
PRISM <prism:isbn>
EAD <unitID>
REICAT 4.8. Area dei numeri identificativi, 4.8.1 numeri standard
Pages ISBD 5.1.4 Pagination
PRISM <prism:pagecount>
REICAT numero delle pagine, delle carte, immagini etc.
Size ISBD 5.3 dimensions
PRISM <dc:format>
EAD <dimensions>
REICAT 4.5.3 Dimensioni
7.4.3 Dimensioni
Type ISBD 0.2 media type
PRISM <dc:type>
EAD <unittype>
REICAT 1.5 Tipi di pubblicazione


Title REICAT 4.1.1 Il titolo
ISBD 1.1 Title proper
FRBR has title of the manifestation
Author REICAT 14.2.2 Responsabilità d’autore
ISBD 1.4 Statement of responsibility (creator)
FRBR has statement of responsibility
Editor REICAT 4.4.2 nome dell’editore
ISBD 4.2 Name of publisher
FRBR has publisher
Place of publication REICAT 4.4.1 luogo di pubblicazione o distribuzione
ISBD 4.1Place of publication, production and/or distribution
FRBR has place of publication
Date of publication REICAT 4.4.4 Data di pubblicazione
ISBD 4.6 Date of printing or manufacture
Content REICAT 4.7.12. Note di riassunto
ISBD 7.7 Note on contents
FRBR has summarization of content
Type REICAT 1.5 Tipi di pubblicazione
ISBD 0.2 Media type
FRBR has form of carrier
Format REICAT 7.4.1 caratteristiche del supporto
ISBD 5.1.2 Specific material designation
FRBR has form of carrier


Title PICO <title>
EBUcore <ebucore:title>, <ebucore:alternativeTitle>, <dc:title>
EAD <title>, <defitem>, <label>
Director PICO <pico:isProducedBy>, <pico:author>
EBUcore <ebucore:entity>
EAD <creator>,<author>
Subject PICO <dc:subject>
EBUcore -
EAD <subject>
Provider PICO <publisher>, <distributor>
EBUcore <ebucore:hasContributors>
EAD <publisher>
Rights PICO <dcterms:rightsHolder>
EBUcore <ebucore:rights>
EAD <rightsdeclarations>
Publication Date PICO <date>, <dcterms:Period>
EBUcore <publicationDate>
EAD <date type='Publication'>
Language PICO <dc:language>
EBUcore <ebucore:language>
EAD <language>
Content PICO <dc:description>, <dcterms:abstract>
EBUcore <ebucore:description>
EAD <abstract>
Type PICO <dc:type>
EBUcore <ebucore:Type>
Creation Place PICO <dcterms:spatial>
EBUcore <ebucore:Location>
EAD <geogname>
Genre PICO -
EBUcore <ebucore:genre>
EAD <genreform>


Title PICO <title>
EAD <title>, <defitem>, <label>
VRA core <title>
Painter PICO <dc:creator>
EAD <creator>, <author>
VRA core <author>, <inscription>
Owner PICO <pico:isOwnedby>
VRA core <agentSet>
Subject PICO <dc:subject>
EAD <subject>
VRA core <subject>
Date PICO <date>, <dcterms:Period>
EAD <unitdate>
VRA core <dateSet>
Place of conservation PICO <dcterms:spatial>
EAD <respository>
VRA core <locationSet>
Starting Date of Creation PICO <dcterms:dateAccepted>
VRA core <vra: date type="creation">, <earliestDate>
Ending Date of Creation PICO <dcterms:dateSubmitted>
VRA core <vra: date type="creation">, <latestDate>
Technique PICO <pico:MaterialAndTechnique>
EAD <relatedmaterial>
VRA core <materials>, <display>
Artistic School PICO <dcterms:Period>
VRA core <stylePeriod>
Dimensions PICO <dcterms:extent>
EAD <physdesc>, <dimensions>
VRA core <measurements>, <display>
Rights PICO <dc:rights>, <dc:license>
EAD <rightsdeclaration>
VRA core <rightsSet>


Format/Material ISBD 5.1.2 Specific material designation, 5.2.2 Composition of material
PRISM <dc:format>
METS-SAN <ead:physdesc>, <ead:genreform type="supporto">, <type="tipologie documentarie">
VRA core <material>, <material type="support">
Title ISBD 1.1 Title proper
PRISM <dc:title>
METS-SAN <ead:prefercite>
VRA core <title>
Owner ISBD -
PRISM <prism:corporateEntity>
METS-SAN <mets:agent ROLE="IPOWNER" TYPE="ORGANIZATION">, <mets:name>
VRA core <rights>, <rightsHolder>
Description ISBD 7.10.2 Notes providing a summary
PRISM <dc:description>
METS-SAN <ead:abstract>
VRA core description
Content ISBD 7.10.2 Notes providing a summary
PRISM <dc:subject>, <prism:contentType>, <prism:event>, <prism:keyword>, <prism:location>, <prism:object>, <prism:person>, <prism:timePeriod>
METS-SAN <ead:subject>
VRA core <subject>, <subject term type="descriptiveTopic">
Place ISBD 4.1 Place of publication, production and/or distribution
PRISM <prism:location>
METS-SAN <ead:geogname>
VRA core <subject term type="geographicPlace">
Date ISBD 4.3 Date of publication, production and/or distribution, 4.6 Date of printing or manufacture
PRISM <prism:creationDate>, <prism:publicationDate>
METS-SAN <ead:unitdate normal="" datechar="principale">
VRA core <date>, <date type="creation">
Language ISBD 7.1.2 Note on nature, scope, form, purpose, language
PRISM <dc:language>
METS-SAN <ead:language>, <ead:langmaterial>, <ead:language langcode="">
VRA core -
Type ISBD 0.1 Content form, 0.2 Media type
PRISM <dc:type>, <prism:contentType>
METS-SAN <ead:phystech>, <mix:FormatDesignation>, <mix:formatName>
VRA core <worktype>
Identifier ISBD 7.8 Notes on the resource identifier and terms of availability area, 8 Resource identifier and terms of availability area, 8.1 Resource Identifier
PRISM <dc:identifier>
METS-SAN <mets:altRecordID TYPE="SAN">
VRA core <work id="">, <image id="">


Author MMD <artist> <name> </name> </artist>
ISBD 1.4 statement of responsibility
FRBR has statement of responsibility
Title MMD <title>
ISBD 1.1 title proper
FRBR has title of the manifestation
Related Album MMD <release> <title> </title> </release>
ISBD Note on relationship between continuing resources
FRBR is part (work) of
Publisher MMD <label-info>
ISBD 4.2 name of publisher, producer and/or distributor
FRBR has publisher or distributor
Date of publication MMD <date>
ISBD 4.3 date of publication, production and/or distribution
FRBR has date of publication or distribution
Place of publication MMD <country> <name> </name> </country>
ISBD 4.1 place of publication, production and/or distribution
FRBR has place of publication or distribution
Format MMD <medium> <format> </format> </medium>
ISBD 3.2.1 Music format statement
FRBR has type of score has form of carrier
Language MMD <language>
ISBD 7.1.2 Note on nature, scope, form, purpose, language
FRBR has language of expression
Identifier MMD <barcode>
ISBD 8.1 resource identifier
FRBR has manifestation identifier
Size/Duration MMD <lenght>
ISBD 5.1.5 playing time
FRBR has extent of the expression


Editor VRACore <sourceSet>
PRISM <dc:publisher>
REICAT 4.2.2 nome dell’editore
Date of Publication VRACore <dateSet>
PRISM <prism:coverDate>
REICAT 4.4.4 Data di pubblicazione
Place of Publication VRACore <locationSet>
REICAT 4.4.1 luogo di pubblicazione o distribuzione
Subject VRACore <subjectSet>
PRISM <dc:subject>
Type VRACore -
PRISM <dc:type>
REICAT 1.5 Tipi di pubblicazione
Format VRACore <material type=”support”>
PRISM <dc:format>
REICAT 7.4.1 caratteristiche del supporto
Technique VRACore <techniqueSet>
PRISM <pmi:visualTechnique>
REICAT Caratteristiche tecniche dei documenti grafici
Color VRACore -
PRISM <pmi:color>
Measures VRACore <measurements>
REICAT Dimensioni di pubblicazioni a stampa moderne


Publisher EAD <publisher>
EBUCore <dc:publisher>
ISBD 4.2 Name of publisher, producer and/or distributor
Date of creation EAD <unitdate>
EBUCore <ebucore:date>
ISBD 4.3 Date of publication, production and/or distribution
Place of creation EAD <geogname>
EBUCore <ebucore:location>
ISBD 4.1 Place of publication, production and/or distribution
Title EAD <title>
EBUCore <ebucore:title>
ISBD 4.1 Place of publication, production and/or distribution
Content EAD <abstract>
EBUCore <ebucore:description>
ISBD 7.7 note on contents, 7.10.2 notes providing a summary
Subject EAD <subject>
EBUCore <dc:Subject>
Type EAD <genreform>
EBUCore <ebucore:Type>
ISBD 0.1 Content form, 0.2 Media type
Language EAD <langmaterial>
EBUCore <ebucore:language>
ISBD 7.1.2 Note on nature, scope, form, purpose, language
Sonour EAD <physdesc>
EBUCore <ebucore:audioFormat>
Sequencies EAD <arrangement> <p> <item> </item> </p> </arrangement>
EBUCore <ebucore:part>
ISBD 5.1.3 Subunits
Duration EAD <physdesc>
EBUCore <ebucore:duration>
ISBD 5.1.5 Playing time